Retail signs and the customer journey

In a world of online shopping and convenience, enticing people to the high street and providing a great customer experience in-store has never been more important. Investing in professional and effective retail signage, like that available from Vinyline, is key – playing a crucial role in your company’s success.

Let’s take a look at the customer journey and consider how each visual customer touch-point can make a difference, from the shop-front to the final point of sale (POS):

Exterior retail signage: driving store footfall

A customer may simply be on a shopping trip to browse, with no particular store in mind. Often though, their journey begins online before they visit your store, in which case that shopper may be seeking out your brand on a visit to the high street. Either way, an illuminated shop sign is the first way to ensure your business is recognised and customers can easily find you.

It is important to keep your illuminated sign in good condition (and to replace it promptly if it becomes tired-looking or if you rebrand) – it is the first thing the customer will see and is your advertising beacon on a crowded high street.

The next customer touch-point is when they arrive at your shop-front – this is where window graphics are important. Your vinyl signs and other window signage are your first opportunity to communicate and set yourself apart from the competition. This signage may make the difference between a customer entering your store or passing it by.

For example, during sale season this is where you can make it clear that your store is offering discounts. You may also utilise this signage to carry festive or other seasonal messaging, or to integrate any campaign theming, such as messages specifically targeting students during September and October. Its primary purpose is to entice the customer through the door.

Internal retail signage: driving sales

Success – your external signage and window display has enticed customers through your door. Now let’s consider how the customer journey evolves to get them to the till-point!

Firstly, they need to find their way around. Whether it is finding a particular item, the fitting rooms (in the case of clothing retailers) or the till, make it as easy as possible for them to progress from browsing to buying. This functional signage needn’t be dull, indeed ideally it should be on-brand rather than bland, whether that means stylish or quirky or child-friendly, or something completely different. It all forms part of the customers’ perception of your store and brand.

Secondly, you should continue to drive any campaign themes or sales messaging from the window throughout the store, and can introduce new messaging here too. For example, signage about customer loyalty initiatives may not feature in the window but may feature heavily at the till-point. Seasonal imagery and campaign theming all form part of the customer experience and, used wisely, can help drive up your conversion rate by helping them to feel part of your brand and get excited at the prospect of making a purchase.

Remember signage doesn’t have to be limited to the walls, shelves or ceiling-hung signs – one of the most impactful spaces is actually the floor! We can work with you on retail floor graphics that really pack a punch, whether you’re communicating seasonal sales messages or introducing directional signage.


From illuminated shop signs and engaging window graphics to POS and indoor retail signs – every sign forms part of that all-important customer journey. Whether you’re a multiple retailer or an independent store, Vinyline can help you to get your indoor retail signs and exterior retail vinyl signage right,  delivering the best possible customer experience.

If you would like to know more about how retail signs from Vinyline could boost your brand, footfall and sales figures, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experienced team. Enquire online now or call us on 01744 756644.
